Jan 11, 2021, 8:33 AM

Diplomatic efforts underway to release Myanmar sailors

Diplomatic efforts underway to release Myanmar sailors

TEHRAN, Jan. 11 (MNA) – Myanmar says its envoys in India and Iran are ramping up diplomatic efforts to release 11 Myanmarese sailors aboard the S. Korean oil tanker seized last week.

According to the Myanmar ministry of foreign affairs, Myanmar’s Ambassador to India U Moe Kyaw Aung met with his counterpart at Iranian Embassy in New Delhi and held a discussion on this matter. A similar effort is initiated by the country’s envoy in Iran.

Myanmar also contacted and requested the Yangon-based South Korean Embassy to provide cooperation and assistance via diplomatic channels.

Iran has seized a South Korean flagged tanker in the Persian Gulf on January 4 due to creating environmental and chemical pollution in the Persian Gulf.


News ID 168329


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