Speaking in a press conference on Wednesday, the Iranian Guardian Council spokesman Abbas Ali Kadkhodaie answered the questions over the recent status of the case of General Soleimani's assassination at international courts and organizations.
Hailing the measures taken by Iranian top judiciary officials and the government in terms of pursuing the case, he said, “The final stages of the pursuing the case for prosecution of the perpetrators of the crime are underway.”
Pointing out that the crimes of the US regime can be pursued in domestic courts, he added that in addition to the Iranian courts, the Iraqi courts also have the authority to prosecute, because the sovereignty of Iraq has been violated and this crime was committed without reporting to the Iraqi authorities.
Referring to the role of Martyr Soleimani in maintaining peace and security in Iran and in the region, Kadkhodaie said that according to international law, the assassination of a high-ranking Iranian official during an official visit to another country is in violation of international conventions, such as the Geneva Convention and UN Security Council resolutions.
Therefore, this is a special case and the perpetrators of this crime will surely be prosecuted, he stressed.
Answering a question raised by reporters over the prosecution of Trump and Pompeo, who were involved in the crime, he spoke about the possibility of the prosecution of Trump and other perpetrators in the US regime after the end of Trump's presidency.
According to Guardian Council spokesman, Trump and Pompeo are the perpetrators who have themselves confessed to the crime, but other perpetrators have been identified from other countries.

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