Jul 5, 2023, 9:43 AM

Headlines of Iran’s Persian dailies on July 5

Headlines of Iran’s Persian dailies on July 5

TEHRAN, Jul. 05 (MNA) – Mehr News Agency takes a look at the headlines of Iran’s Persian-language dailies on Wednesday, July 5.


President says forming fair intl. system needs removal of US dollar

Martyrdom-seeking operation in Tel Aviv leaves 3 Zionists killed, 7 injured

South Africa president invites Raeisi to attend BRICS summit

Jomhouri-e Eslami:

Kuwait claims Arash field belongs to itself, Saudi Arabia, not Iran

Zionists continue barbaric attacks on Jenin for second day

Iran expresses support for Palestinians, Resistance against Zionist crimes

Arman-e Emrooz:

Iran becomes SCO official member

Arman-e Melli:

Iran-West negotiations secretly continuing


Shanghai Cooperation Organisation issues joint statement

German officials warn over similar clashes as in France

China's Xi urges confronting unilateral sanctions

Akhbar-e San'at:

Iran builds its first nuclear reactor simulator system

Iran officially joined Shanghai Cooperation Organisation


SCO accession opportunity for expanding export


Raeisi: Removal of dollar needed to shape fair international system

Eghtesad-e Mardom:

Iran ready to cooperate with SCO in fighting terrorism


AEOI chief: Iran soon to become hub of radiopharmaceuticals production, export


Iran becomes 9th official member of SCO


Shanghai welcomes Tehran


News ID 202823


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