Oct 14, 2019, 9:26 AM

American Golden Picture filmfest. to screen 2 Iranian shorts

American Golden Picture filmfest. to screen 2 Iranian shorts

TEHRAN, Oct. 14 (MNA) – Two Iranian short films, including 'It Rains for You' and 'Watercolor Girl', have made it into the October 2019 screening lineup of American Golden Picture International Film Festival in the US.

'It Rains for You', directed by Mohammad Mehdi Delkhasteh, and 'Watercolor Girl', directed by Siamak Kashef Azar, are two Iranian shorts selected for the October 2019 lineup of American Golden Picture International Film Festival in the US.

“The yellow leaves do not fall because of autumn; you are supposed to pass this alley, so they want to carpet your path … Sparrows do not sing out of habit, they are training to sing to welcome you,” reads a synopsis for the short film 'It Rains for You'.

"At a time when we are busy with virtual relationships, there are some instances of love nearby that we are unaware of and it will be too late too soon," reads the synopsis for 'Watercolor Girl'. 

The American Golden Picture International Film Festival is a yearly event structured in monthly contests.

The physical live screening of the festival happens just once every year with an award ceremony in front of the audience.

The judges in each month will select the films, give the best one an award, then for yearly screening they will choose the best of the best among all the monthly winners for the physical annual live screening, according to the event's website. 


News ID 151178


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