Oct 3, 2003, 8:55 PM

Iranian Oil Companies Far From World Safety Standards

TEHRAN October 3 (Mehr News Agency) – The country’s oil and gas companies have made remarkable attempts to promote safety conditions in working environment, said Majid Moatamedfar, the Executive Deputy for Health, Safety, and Environment Protection in National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) here Friday.

He added that, through their activities, Iranian oil companies face some serious environmental problems including industrial wastes, watered oil, greenhouse gas, inert gas burning, and extraction mud. 


“Our companies have still a long way to catch up with their foreign rivals in hygienic, environmental, and safety fields,” Moatamedfar stated. However, he added, NIOC has already made tremendous efforts to resolve the problem.


Presently, British and Norwegian companies keep the best safety, health, and environmental standards, he said. The current international measure to assess such qualities is Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Management System, the official added.   


“This is a subtle, comprehensive system,” Moatamedfar said adding Iranian companies should comply with HSE standards.









News ID 2051

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