May 28, 2024, 11:07 AM

Top border security official:

NATO practicing nuclear strikes on Russian territory

NATO practicing nuclear strikes on Russian territory

TEHRAN, May 28 (MNA) – NATO is training to strike Russian territory with nuclear weapons near its borders, the head of the border service of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), Vladimir Kulishov says.

The head of the Border Service of the Russian Federal Security Service told Sputnik about NATO's nuclear drills near Russia's borders and explained how guards regularly thwart Ukrainian attempts to infiltrate Russia.

NATO is training to strike Russian territory with nuclear weapons near its borders, the head of the border service of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), Vladimir Kulishov, told Sputnik.

"Near the Russian border, NATO's reconnaissance activities are increasing, the intensity of operational combat training of the alliance's troops is growing, during which scenarios for conducting combat operations against the Russian Federation, including the launch of nuclear strikes on our territory, are being worked out," he said.

The top official added that the situation requires "taking appropriate steps to protect and secure our borders."

Russian border guards together with the Sever Battlegroup have thwarted 29 attempts of Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups to infiltrate Russian territory in the Bryansk, Kursk, and Belgorod Regions as well as the Crimean Republic since February 2022, Vladimir Kulishov told Sputnik.

Meanwhile, the number of missile and artillery strikes on Russian territory is increasing and drone attacks on Russia’s military, transport, energy and social infrastructure are becoming more intense, Kulishov said, adding that the victims of such terrorist attacks are mainly civilians, including the elderly and children. He also noted that in 2023, more

than 5,500 attempts to enter Russia by individuals associated with international terrorist and extremist organizations, as well as special services and armed formations of Ukraine, were prevented.


News ID 215801


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