"The defense ministry’s forces are repelling a drone attack on an airport in Pskov," the governor wrote on Telegram. He added that more detailed information will follow after a crisis response meeting, which he will chair personally.
"I arrived at the site at the very start of the incident. According to preliminary information, there have been no casualties. The scope of damage is now being assessed," Vedernikov said.
Emergencies services told TASS that four Il-76 planes were damaged at a military airport in Pskov.
"As a result of a drone attack, four Il-76 planes were damaged. A fire broke out. Two aircraft are engulfed in flames," an emergency service official said.
Flights above the Pskov Region and its administrative center of Pskov have been restricted.
The latest drone attack in the region occurred early on May 27. Back then, an administrative building, servicing an oil pipeline, were damaged in an attack and an explosion caused by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the village of Litvinovo. No casualties were reported.
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