26 short films between 1 and 5 minutes in length have been officially selected to screen at the 9th edition of the International Mobile Film Festival in San Diego. Among the selected titles are two from Iran: ‘Finish Line’ by Saeed Mayahy and ‘Elsinor’ by Ehsan Majooni.
‘Finish Line’, shot with an iPhone 7, is the story of a woman athlete who is trying to get back in the fields after her accident. ‘Elsinor’ was shot with an iPhone 6s and depicts events during a wedding.
The International Mobile Film Festival in San Diego is exclusively created for films and videos shot with only mobile phones for the big screen.
According to the organizers, the quality of this year's films includes aesthetics, visual effects, story, and the overall inspirational factor most mobile films possess. The films are entertaining, moving and evoke an emotional reaction across a spectrum from delightful to thrilling.
The event is scheduled for April 24-26, 2020.
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