Jan 24, 2005, 9:36 PM

Tehran Times Opinion Column, Jan. 25, By Hassan Hanizadeh

The struggle continues in Palestine

TEHRAN, Jan. 24 (MNA) -- Although the Palestinian nation is experiencing tough times following the recent election and the changes in the Palestinian Authority’s policies, the veteran Palestinian resistance fighters will surely continue their struggle.

The presidential election, which was won by Mahmoud Abbas, also known as Abu Mazen, was just a symbolic move meant to give a semblance of legitimacy to the Palestinian Authority.


The election and the victory of Abbas were warmly welcomed by the international community, but there is a great difference between the ideals of the Palestinian people and the country’s politicians.


As his first step, the new PA president is attempting to stop Israeli attacks against Palestinians by trying to force the Palestinian Islamic resistance groups to unconditionally capitulate to the Zionist regime.


Hamas and Islamic Jihad have announced they would agree to a cease-fire if the Israeli army stopped attacking Palestinian residential areas. But some suspicious figures in the PA have called for disarmament of Hamas and Islamic Jihad.


Unfortunately, this internal Palestinian dispute will only serve Israel’s interests, and the Zionist regime is obviously making strenuous efforts to widen the chasm between the PA and the Islamic resistance groups.


On the other hand, members of the international community, and particularly the European Union as one of the Road Map designers, have not yet revealed their policies toward the new Palestinian Authority.


The EU should clarify its position on the developments since the suspicious death of Yasser Arafat and urge Israel to implement UN resolutions 242 and 338.


Although the EU’s political role has been diminished due to the United States’ expansionist policy and recent developments in the Middle East and other parts of the world, Europe should try to gradually regain its regional and international position.


Undoubtedly, the EU’s political isolation and passive stance toward the unbalanced policies of the United States will damage its traditional relations with Islamic and Arab states.


Since the Palestinian Islamic resistance groups had a bitter of experience of the one-sided truce observed during the 124 days when Abu Mazen was PA prime minister last year, they are not at all optimistic about their negotiations with the new PA president.


Whatever the outcome of the talks, the Islamic resistance groups should not be deceived by Israel’s empty promises, which are meant to destroy the liberation movements.


The leaders of Islamic resistance movements are well aware of the fact that Israel has never implemented any of the resolutions passed by the United Nations General Assembly over the past 56 years.


Therefore, they will not be deceived by the Zionist regime’s false promises.


In addition, the Islamic resistance and PA leaders are expected to maintain unity and to give no concessions to Israel.


The Zionist regime must halt its military operations, release all Palestinian prisoners, withdraw unconditionally from the occupied territories, in line with UN Resolution 242 of 1967, and agree to the establishment of an independent Palestinian state if it wants to see an end to the Intifada, in which thousands of Palestinians have lost their lives.


Otherwise, the Palestinian nation will continue the Intifada in order to win real independence, since fighting until final victory is the only alternative for oppressed nations.






News ID 10120

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