May 4, 2022, 1:00 PM

Senior diplomat:

Iran water share in Hemland critical to prevent dust storms

Iran water share in Hemland critical to prevent dust storms

TEHRAN, May 04 (MNA) – Special envoy of the Iranian President for Afghanistan Hassan Kazemi Ghomi said that supplying Iran's share of water in the Hirmand river is essential to prevent dust storms in southern Afghanistan.

"For years, the Islamic Republic of Iran has believed that the environmental crisis knows no frontiers and that the countries  in the region must overcome this challenge by joining hands," Kazemi Ghomi, Special envoy of the Iranian President for Afghanistan said in a post on his Twitter account.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran declares its readiness to transfer the required knowledge to prevent this environmental crisis," he added, saying that "the country considers supplying Helmand water rights necessary to prevent such a challenge."

"It is hoped that the rulers of Afghanistan will make a plan to make up for the past mistakes," Kazemi Ghomi noted.


News ID 186434


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