Jan 9, 2021, 10:12 AM

Iraqi army crushes Takfiri positions in Nineveh

Iraqi army crushes Takfiri positions in Nineveh

TEHRAN, Jan. 09 (MNA) – During an operation in “Nineveh Desert”, Iraqi army forces identified and arrested four Takfiri elements of ISIL terrorist group.

Amid a series of anti-terrorist operations of Iraqi army continues in different parts of the country, Iraqi forces launch a new operation against Takfiris in "Nineveh Desert".

According to the report, Iraqi army forces smashed Takfiri terrorist positions in Nineveh Desert during the operation. Security officials said the operation was carried out after gathering classified information from deployments Takfiri elements of ISIL.

The operation came as Iraqi Armed Forces General Command announced the start of fifth phase of Operation "True Promise" in Basra. In this regard, Yahya Rasool, spokesman for the General Command of Iraqi Armed Forces, while confirming the news of start of the fifth phase of operation in the city, said, "The main purpose of this operation is to confront remnants of ISIL terrorist groups."

A spokesman for Iraqi Armed Forces Command added, “Iraqi forces were able to identify and arrest a number of wanted elements in the early hours of the fifth phase of operation.


News ID 168249


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