Nakba day, meaning ‘Day of the Catastrophe’, is observed on 15 May every year, commemorating the displacement of 700,000 Palestinians forced to flee as a result of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, the land theft and the destruction and depopulation of hundreds of Palestinian towns and villages. The refugees were forced to seek refuge in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip, often without citizenship being granted. Many Palestinians continue to hold and treasure the keys to their lost homes, and the key has become a symbol of Palestinian right to return home.

Nakba Day commemorations typically take the form of rallies and speeches in cities around the Occupied Lands, the West Bank, and Gaza, with Palestinian marchers commonly brandishing placards, flags, and house keys, the latter symbols of the homes and still-deserted villages their families have not been allowed to return to. Defending the right of existence and the right of return of the indigenous Palestinians was wrongly equated with anti-Semitism.
On May 15, millions of Palestinians living in the Palestinian territories and abroad mark the 72nd anniversary of the Nakba.
To shed light on the issue, Mehr news conducted interviews with some experts. Following are the text of the interviews with them:

72 years have passed since the Israeli regime’s occupation of the Palestinian lands; where is the regime standing today in terms of identity as well as the political and social status?
The Israeli regime is concerned internationally about one thing alone — maintaining full US support no matter how egregious its policies against Palestinians and regional countries like Iran and Syria.
As long as US support continues, its ruling regimes know they can do whatever they please with impunity. The Netanyahu regime consistently and repeatedly takes full advantage.
The status of Palestinians is dismal and getting worse ahead with Israel’s planned annexation of illegal settlements, the Jordan Valley and the northern Dead Sea, along with further areas it intends incorporating into its territory unlawfully — a major Fourth Geneva and UN Charter breach.
Resistance is the only Palestinian option — on their own because no one internally will help. The Abbas-led PA operates in cahoots with Israel regime, claiming to support the Palestinian people but its actions show otherwise.
What do the current political crises and rifts among the Israeli regime authorities, as well as the regime’s undermined security, suggest?
Internal Israeli rifts appear to be largely resolved. Benny Gantz surrendered to Netanyahu’s demands. Both figures are hostile to regional peace and Palestinian rights. Netanyahu’s trial on serious charges of bribery, fraud, and breach of trust is scheduled to begin in late May.
It was postponed earlier, possibly again. He’s doing whatever it takes to retain power and stay out of prison. Most Israeli’s despised him and wants him replaced. Whether he stays or goes won’t change the country’s policies.
Based on the available data on the US and Britain’s arms and financial support to the Israeli regime, how do you see the role of Washington and London in the formation and realization of the Zionist regime?
The US and NATO one-sidedly support the Israel regime at the expense of regional peace and Palestinian rights. I see nothing ahead that will change this.
The Israeli regime has been struggling to repel the Palestinians’ and Lebanese’ resistance movement in the past years; have the Zionists been successful in this regard? And will these efforts help Tel Aviv survive?
Since established in May 1948, the Israel regime has been very successful in achieving its aims and growing in strength, including as a nuclear power. The establishment of the Jewish state was a Western plot to extend its influence in a part of the world not its own, viewing Arabs as inferior people, Westerners superior, wanting control over the region’s vast oil reserves.
Western civilization is deeply flawed. Self-declaring itself superior is part of its racist attacks on others elsewhere, especially nations rich in resources the West seeks control over.
The normalization process of Arab-Israeli ties has been accelerated in recent years, and they are not hiding it anymore; what are the main reasons behind such measures by the Israeli regime?
Most Arab states sold out to the US-led West long ago, allowing themselves to be exploited instead of uniting to resist and maintain their independence.
The US moved its embassy from Tel Aviv to al-Quds in 2017; how much did this measure favors the legalization process of the Zionist regime?
Moving the US embassy to Quds was symbolic, but also something Israeli regime long sought as a way to make its illegitimacy look legitimate. It’s a short-term gain I don’t believe will stand the test of time.
The Israel regime is a rogue regime. Long term it’s sowing its own demise as a regional power, the same thing true of the US globally. It’s a declining power while China, Russia, Iran, and other nations are rising. That’s the future but things play out slowly.

72 years have passed since the Israeli regime’s occupation of the Palestinian lands; where is the regime standing today in terms of identity as well as the political and social status?
This year marks the 72nd anniversary of the occupation of the Palestinian territories by the Zionist regime with the support of the arrogant powers of the time, including colonial Britain. During these years, not only has this regime committed massive massacres and oppression of the Palestinian people, but it has also created insecurity and fomented tensions and conflicts in the Middle East region.
Such disturbing measures have revealed the vicious nature of the regime to all freedom-seekers in the world, and have consequently added to the isolation of the Zionists.
What do the current political crises and rifts among the Israeli regime authorities, as well as the regime’s undermined security, suggest?
More than a year has passed since the elections of the Zionist regime, however, we can see that the lack of serious coordination among its authorities has prevented any practical move for the formation of the cabinet in the regime.
the volatile situation in the regime can also be seen in many rifts among its political parties as well as public protests inside occupied lands.
The Israeli regime has been struggling to repel the Palestinians’ and Lebanese’ resistance movement in the past years; have the Zionists been successful in this regard? And will these efforts help Tel Aviv survive?
Despite all its pointless struggles and the massacre of the Palestinians, the Zionist regime has not achieved such an ill-whished goal, and these crimes have led to nothing but a global shame for its leaders.
We all hope to see the decline of this regime in the near future and to see the freedom of the oppressed people of Palestine and their attainment of their rights.
What have been the impacts of the Resistance Movement’s military progress on the Zionist regime?
Increasing the military power of the regime's neighbors will certainly create fear, anxiety, and worry for all the Zionist leaders. It will also facilitate the path for the resistance movement on the efforts to defeat the occupiers, and will finally help the Palestinians reclaim their stolen freedom.
How far has the relocation of the US embassy to al-Quds and proposition of the so-called ‘Deal of the Century’ by Trump administration changed the balance in favor of Israel and their efforts for legitimization?
The relocation of the US embassy to Jerusalem al-Quds has not only provoked protests among Islamic countries, but it made many other countries to voice concerns over the repercussions of the move. Many believe that the move has only accelerated the isolation of the Zionist regime.
Regarding the so-called Deal of the Century, I should say that no one will trade their freedom with money, and the plot to buy people with money is to no avail.

Now after 72 years of Israeli occupation, what do you think is the current condition of the regime regarding its political, social, and identity status?
I believe this illegitimate regime has been more exposed and has revealed its true colors that are full of darkness from all sides. It is full of arrogance, injustice, and intolerance.
The Israeli regime has made every effort, including genocide and displacement of Palestinians, to establish its stance and legitimize its presence. How far do you think the regime has come near to this aim?
It has accomplished its aim of occupying, massacring, and spreading corruption in holy occupied Palestine and it has reached the world.
What does political crises, diversions between different Israeli political parties, and elimination of the depth of security and its peripheral security indicate?
I believe the overall Zionist politics is a big game that is used at times to show major divisions but they are united to divide the Palestinians and to expand their occupation to further areas such as the West Bank.
How do you assess the role of the UK and US in establishing Israel to complete the project of the Zionism government and also their financial and military aids to the regime?
I see the UK and the US as the main and key backers of this illegitimate regime and its cruel occupation and that this backing and support is embedded in the establishment and that they will continue to assist in this evil project to secure their hegemonic control of the Middle East with their military bases and puppet regimes. The global Zionist movement owns a lot of corporations and control of western politics and especially in those two countries.
How far has Tel Aviv’s military efforts for creating deterrence and preventing Palestinian and Lebanese resistance through buying Iron Dome systems gone so far? Why do operations of Resistance groups still continue despite these efforts?
They have invested a mass amount of funds and efforts into the defense and systems such as the iron dome and they cannot fully protect the Zionist regime from the resistance movements attacks and missiles and this reveals the true weakness of those systems and that there will always be gaps and losses for the future.
Isn’t it the Israeli regime which has confined itself in many walls?
They have cornered and confined themselves in a very dangerous position and the outcome is not looking well for them at all.
How do you see the political and military balance of Resistance groups in Palestine and Lebanon?
The resistance in those two countries has grown to become a powerful reality and that the Zionist regime and all its capabilities and allies have reached a conviction that they cannot eradicate them as they have tried over and over again and all their projects and plans have failed miserably. The Zionist regime survives by a delusional mindset.
What’s your opinion about the future of the Zionist regime given the identity, social, and psychological crises and its lack of history?
I believe the Zionist regime is nearing its end as more and more free people in the world are awakening and the more intolerant and aggressive they become which also shows their true weaknesses and illegitimacy.
The trend of some Arab states’ normalization of ties with Israel has accelerated and publicized. How do assess these measures of the Israeli regime?
These Arab regimes have all been UK established and then later supported by the US and they are all regimes that are truly unpopular and disliked by their own nations. These regimes depend on the western support and they are all interconnected with the Zionist illegitimate regime and in true reality, they need to back up one another and listen to the instructions of the ones that kept them in power or else they will be easily removed and the UK and US regimes have pressured them in this stage to normalize the relationships and publicize it. Unfortunately, they have accepted to be bullied and gotten immune to this system to survive and hold on to power.
How far has the relocation of the US embassy to al-Quds and proposition of the so-called ‘Deal of the Century’ by Trump administration changed the balance in favor of Israel and their efforts for legitimization?
These are all delusional plans that will fail and it only proves the illegitimacy of the Zionist regime by pulling this sudden shocking plan and trying to lure the rest of the world governments to accept and support it. Another bullying method and plan by the Zionist lobbyist controlled congresses and parliaments of the world. This ‘failure of the century’ has no legitimacy and no real support and has failed even by the weak and controlled United Nations assembly resolutions. Israel is on its way to a major decline moving towards dismantlement and liberation as the resistance in the region is growing stronger with lots of experiences and determination. Palestine will be free from the river to the sea.
I would like to add that with the corona crisis many places cannot attend and rally on al Quds day but there is a global movement on social media under the hashtag called #FlyTheFlag for Palestine that is in its works and is supported by many credible organizations in the world. The fight for Palestine is growing in the whole world.

In this regard, Iranian expert on West Asian Affairs and Secretary of the Political Commission of Society for the Defence of Palestinian Nation Ahmadreza Rouhollahzad said, "Zionist regime has been established based on some factors: First of all, it relies on world arrogant powers. It was primarily dependent on Britain and now it is backed by the US, while it also has other world powers’ protection. Second, it relies on its military power as a means to reach its occupying policies. Third, it relies on media and news networks to shield it. The other factor is the regime’s economic power and having access to financial resources, which made Zionists take advantage of various banks and companies all across the globe. The population is another important factor for the regime, which can guarantee its existence. The named factors can give us a vivid overview of the current political, economic, and social conditions of the 72-year-old Israeli regime and its future."
"Considering the protection of world powers from the regime in Tel Aviv, we can see that the all-out protection for the Zionist regime does not exist as before because the world powers are faced with some problems including financial ones. The Israeli regime is now dealing with different challenges both regionally and internationally. The Zionist regime was basically founded to guarantee the colonizing targets of the world powers but under the present circumstances, the lobbies protecting the regime are not united as they were used to be. As some American lobbies have asserted, despite the fact that the regime was founded to meet the demands of the US, it is now forcing Americans to dispatch military forces to protect it and the issue put the US interests at a big risk. In better words, the Zionist regime’s radicalistic measures have made the US be faced big problems in the region. This made the US to think of pulling out its forces from the region, to find a better chance for playing its desired role in the Middle East. The same story repeats itself in the relation between the Zionist regime and some European countries, he added.
"The world is coping with an economic recession, including the world powers. The fact has negatively influenced the Zionist regime, too, which is living a parasitic life. It is faced with some difficulties in supplying its financial resources. While China comes with the biggest economic growth, the main supporter of the Zionist regime i.e. the US is dealing with major economic difficulties. Therefore, the economic conditions in the occupied lands are hurt as well. The regime has been faced with protests against the economic status quo, domestically, in recent years," Rouhollahzad noted.
He added, "Regarding the control of the Zionist regime on media and its desired influence on public opinion, it is worth noting that thanks to the formation of independent news networks and channels besides the appearance of social media, the regime has lost its exclusive tribune. Public opinion has now the chance to listen to and be informed by non-Zionist sources. For instance, public opinion in western societies which felt sympathy with Zionists over the holocaust was totally against the regime during the 22-day war in Gaza. Western public opinion, accordingly, concluded that the Zionist regime is not a victim of a massacre titled holocaust but it is by itself a criminal who performs mass genocide. The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement (also known as BDS), a campaign promoting various forms of boycott against the Israeli regime, is a good example of anti-Zionist approaches across the world."
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