Dec 20, 2024, 12:55 PM

Rear admiral Shahram Irani:

Advanced vessels, weapons to join Army Navy Force next week

Advanced vessels, weapons to join Army Navy Force next week

TEHRAN, Dec. 20 (MNA) – Iranian Army Navy Commander Rear Admiral Shahram Irani has announced the annexation of very complicated vessels and special domestically-manufactured weapons to the fleet of Iran’s Navy.

These new equipment are in various fields of surface, flight, manned, unmanned, and missile systems, Irani said, adding that enemies of the country are not aware of these weapons’ potnetial and capabilities.

Real Admiral Shahram Irani pointed out that a new generation of very valuable technologies and weapons with deterrent capabilities have been installed on these weapons.

The advanced weapons and vessels will be joined to the fleet of Iran’s Army Navy Force in coming week, the navy chief commander added.


News ID 225726


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