Jun 12, 2023, 4:30 PM

Assad stresses coordination regarding Syria peace talks

Assad stresses coordination regarding Syria peace talks

TEHRAN, Jun 12 (MNA) – Syrian President Bashar Assad stressed the need for maintaining coordination regarding the talks on establishing peace in Syria.

Bashar Assad made the remarks in a meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister's Senior Advisor for Special Political Affairs Ali Asghar Khaji in Damascus on Monday during which, the two sides discussed several issues of mutual interest, as well as several regional and international developments.

The Syrian president stressed the importance of coordination regarding the Astana Process and the four-party negotiations between Iran, Syria, Turkey, and Russia.

Assad also called for defining a joint strategy with the help of Iran and Russia in order to explain the goals of future negotiations, whether it is about Turkey's withdrawal from Syria, the fight against terrorism, or other issues.

Khaji, for his part, expressed Iran's satisfaction with the developments that Syria is facing in its foreign relations in the Arab world, adding that such developments have occurred due to the Syrian people's sacrifice in fighting terrorism.

The Astana process was launched in 2017 at the initiative of Iran, Russia, and Turkey on how to reduce tensions in Syria.

The process of normalizing relations between Turkey and Syria began on December 28, 2022, with a meeting in Moscow between the Russian, Syrian, and Turkish defense ministers, who agreed to establish a joint trilateral commission.


News ID 201880


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