Jun 9, 2023, 3:58 PM

Sudan expels top UN envoy amid reports of 24-hour truce

Sudan expels top UN envoy amid reports  of 24-hour truce

TEHRAN, Jun 09 (MNA) – Sudan expelled the top United Nations envoy amid reports of an extended truce between warring sides for another 24 hours starting from Saturday.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is controlled by the Sudanese army, declared Volker Perthes “persona non grata” on Friday, according to two UN officials who asked not to be identified because they’re not authorized to speak to the media, Bloomberg reported. 

The move came after Sudan’s military-dominated ruling council urged the UN in a letter last month to replace Perthes, accusing him of taking sides in the country’s disputes and disrespecting its sovereignty.

Africa’s third-largest country remains mired in a battle for power between the military led by Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and the Rapid Support Forces militia. Violence that erupted April 15 has left about 1,000 people dead and spurred about a million more to flee their homes, many to neighboring countries.

A series of shakily observed cease-fires have brought temporary respite in some areas of Sudan. But violence has continued to flare in recent days, killing civilians, doctors and blocking access to humanitarian workers.

Meanwhile, the Saudi Foreign Ministry announced on Friday that a 24-hour ceasefire has been agreed upon in Sudan, which will begin tomorrow, Saturday.


News ID 201731


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