Jul 23, 2022, 9:23 PM

Raeisi to Macron:

IAEA BoG resolution undermined Iran's trust in talks

IAEA BoG resolution undermined Iran's trust in talks

TEHRAN, Jul. 23 (MNA) – Iran's president spoke by phone with his French counterpart Sat. during which he said issuing the IAEA resolution was a crisis-making action aimed at creating pressure against the Iranian nation and damaging Tehran's trust.

Presidents of Iran and France Ebrahim Raeisi and Emmanuel Macron held a two-hour long phone call on Saturday afternoon to discuss ways to strengthen bilateral cooperation, as well as regional and international developments and major global challenges, including food and energy security.

In the conversation, Iran's President pointed to the significant increase in political and economic cooperation between Iran and different countries in the world and considered the US sanctions against Iran to be inflicting losses on the global economy, especially the European economy.

Raeisi pointed out that "Had it not been for the security role that the Islamic Republic played in the region, especially the fight against terrorism and Tehran's support for the territorial integrity and national sovereignty of other countries in the region, ISIL would declare a caliphate in Europe today."

He also emphasized that the solution to regional problems should be in the hands of the nations and governments in the region, denouncing any interference on the part of foreigners as being against regional security and stability.

Dismissing war as a solution to resolve disputes between countries and the need to maintain peace and security, the Iranian president emphasized that the Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to play a role in ending the conflicts in Ukraine and resolving issues through political dialogue.

Raeisi also condemned the US and Europe's non-constructive actions and stances and stated that issuing a resolution in IAEA was a crisis-making action with the aim of creating pressure against the Iranian nation, which damages Iran's political trust in the talks.

He went on to say that the Islamic Republic of Iran considers the concluding an agreement in the talks as hinging on the total resolution of the safeguard issues and the giving necessary guarantees, including the continuation of valid abidance on the part of the parties to the agreement and the securing economic interests for the Iranian nation.

French President, for his part, stressed the importance of the role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in bringing political processes to fruition in the region and stated, "France supports Iran's stances on opposing the military operations by some countries in the region against Syria."

Macron also emphasized the continuation of his country's role in bringing the nuclear talks to a conclusion.


News ID 189376


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