Oct 18, 2021, 9:03 PM

Hezbollah always wanted peace, security in Lebanon: Nasrallah

Hezbollah always wanted peace, security in Lebanon: Nasrallah

TEHRAN, Oct. 18 (MNA) – Lebanese Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said Mon. that Hezbollah always wanted peace and security in Lebanon, adding that the resistance movement only fought Israel and terrorist groups.

According to Al-Manar TV website, Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered his speech on the occasion of the birth anniversary of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on Monday.

At the start of his speech, the Hezbollah leader congratulated all Muslims on Prophet Muhammad's birth anniversary.

Nasrallah also offered condolences over the martyrdom of Afghans in an attack on a mosque in Afghanistan's Kandahar.

Later, he pointed to the recent shooting in Beirut and noted that the enemies seek to provoke sectarian division among the people in southern Lebanon.

Hezbollah leader also said that the efforts to sow division in Lebanon aim to serve the foreign powers' interests.

Nasrallah further said that Hezbollah always wanted peace and security in Lebanon, adding that the resistance movement only fought Israel and terrorists.

He also said that the Thursday event in Beirut were critical and dangerous, noting that the events mark new phase in dealing with internal politics in Lebanon.

He also warned that a political party in Lebanon has civil war on agenda, while the Hezbollah has always sought to de-escalate tensions with Lebanese parties.

He also recalled that the Lebenese Forces Party sought to ignite civil war in Lebanon in 2017, while stressing that neither Hezbollah, nor Amal Movement are enemies to Christians in Lebanon, calling the allegations fabricated and false. 

"Hezbollah defended Christians during operations to liberate Syrian and Lebanese territories from Takfiri terrorists," according to Hezbollah leader.

"You can ask the Christians in Syria over Hezbollah’s behavior during the operation to liberate the area of the Takfiri terrorists," he pointed out.

"Lebanese Forces had covered Nusra Front and other Takfiris in Lebanon and Syria," he added.

Nasrallah added, "Following the Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon we prevent any fighter of Hezbollah and Amal from entering Christian towns."

He also said, "Hezbollah did not harm any collaborator with Israeli enemy following the liberation in 2000, rather we hand them over to Lebanese Army."

According to him, "Lebanese Forces party is the greatest existential threat to Christians in Lebanon."

He went on to say, "Lebanese Forces party allied with Takfiri terrorists in Syria and this was a great threat to the existence of the Christians."

"Hezbollah since 2005 has been open to any dialogue with any Christian side in Lebanon and the MoU with Free Patriotic Movement proves this," he noted, according to the Al-Manar TV English website.

"The Lebanese State is the grantee of peace and security in the country," Nasrallah added.

Elsewhere, he called for reform in Lebanese elections law and stressed that all factions should be able to have representation in the Lebanese government. 

He went on to stress, "Hezbollah is not a threat to Christians, rather it plays a positive role in encroachment between Lebanese factions."

"Hezbollah is stronger than ever today," Hassan Nasrallah said, while advising the Lebanese Forces party's chief to abandon the idea of civil war.

"Don’t miscalculate!" Nasrallah warned, adding that Hezbollah has at least 100,000 fighters ready to defend the country, not to fight a civil war.

"We are not weak, but we are keen to preserve national security and the latest attacks in Khalde and Tayouneh prove this," the Hezbollah chief further noted.

He also noted that Hezbollah and Amal members were martyred in Thursday incidents and called for a quick investigation into the bloodshed in order to bring the perpetrators to justice.

Nasrallah further noted, "US-backed Lebanese Force party wants to create a rift between Hezbollah and the Lebanese Army."

Meanwhile, he pointed out, "Lebanese soldiers are our brothers and our national army is part of the golden formula to defend Lebanon."

He went on to say, "We don’t abandon our martyrs, their blood won’t go in vain."

On investigation into Beirut Port blast, Sayyed Nasrallah said, "We are keen to know the truth."

Meanwhile, the Hezbollah leader stressed, "We were reassured over Beirut Port blast probe but we insist that this judicial issue must not be politicized."

 Nasrallah praised patience and wisdom of Tayouneh martyrs’ families while assuring them, "We are keen to hold perpetrators of the massacre accountable."

He further addressed the families of the Thursday martyrs, by concluding, "We have to preserve goals achieved by the Resistance and its martyrs, on top of which are security and national peace."


News ID 179833


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