Apr 19, 2021, 2:00 PM

IRGC cmdr.:

Gen. Hejazi paved for putting end to rotten Zionists regime

Gen. Hejazi paved for putting end to rotten Zionists regime

TEHRAN, Apr. 19 (MNA) – Hailing General Hejazi's effort and services in the Resistance Front, the chief commander of IRGC said that General Hejazi helped Hezbollah to defeat the Zionists and paved the way for the overthrow of this rotten regime.

The chief commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Hossein Salami made some remarks in the funeral ceremony of the deputy chief of the IRGC Quds Force Brigadier General Seyyed Mohammad Hejazi on Monday.

The sacrifices and efforts of General Hejazi were not restricted to Iran’s borders, he said, explaining, “In Lebanon, for example, General Hejazi completed Hezbollah's plan to defeat the Zionists and paved the way for the overthrow of this rotten regime.”

Salami added that the Zionists always sought an opportunity to attack this great IRGC commander however they could not.

The martyrdom of such revolutionary figures won’t undermine the power of the Axis of Resistance, he said.

“When General Soleimani was assassinated, evil powers imagined that the path of Resistance would be stopped, however, thanks to the great commanders like General Hejazi resistance continued, defeats were imposed on the enemy front, victories were re-created.”


News ID 172285


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