Mahdi Shoushtari broke the news on Monday in an interview with Sulaymaniyah News Network (SNN) and responded to the questions on the various aspects of economic ties between Islamic Republic of Iran and Iraqi’s Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and Sulaymaniyah province.
Turning to the outlook of economic relations between Iran and Iraq, he said, “Under the agreement made between presidents of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Iraq, the two countries have targeted to reach bilateral trade volume exchange by $20 billion annually.”
Turning to the economic ties between Iran and Iraq’s Kurdistan Regional Government during coronavirus global pandemic, he said, “With the coordination and agreement made between the two parties, trade exchanges between the two countries continued in this period by fully observing of health protocols and guidelines.”
Elsewhere in his remarks, Shoushtari pointed to Iran’s trade ties with two provinces of Sulaymaniyah and Halabja in Iraq and added, “Considering more than 600 km of common border and activiation of two official borders of Parvizkhan and Bashmaq as well as four border marketplaces, Iran and Iraq trade ties is of paramount importance due to their deep-rooted historical relations and cultural-social commonalities.”
The consul general of the Islamic Republic of Iran pointed to chemical disaster in Halabja and added, “We are ready to help develop this province due to the special status of Halabja.”
He reiterated that Islamic Republic of Iran is fully prepared to stand by the people of Iraqi’s Kurdistan Regional Government as it has been with the people of this region in various historical periods and during hardship and calamities such as Halabja chemical attack and in the fight against ISIL terrorist group.
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