“The long-anticipated operation to liberate Mosul is under way. At this fateful juncture in Iraq’s history, all Iraqis are urged to unite behind their armed forces in this battle to free their fellow citizens from the Daesh [ISIL] terrorists,” said the Deputy Special Representative for the United Nations Secretary-General (DSRSG) for Political Affairs, Mr. Gyorgy Busztin. “This liberation is an Iraqi operation backed by the entire international community, and the United Nations fully supports the Government of Iraq’s efforts to free its land from the terrorists and restore the rule of law over its territory.”
Mr. Busztin emphasizes that every effort be made to ensure the protection of the civilian population from the effects of armed conflict and violence in accordance with the relevant principles of international human rights and humanitarian law.
“The people of Mosul and Ninewa have already suffered tremendously. We are confident that the suffering and the humiliation of the millions who were forced to live under Daesh’s reign of terror in the country will soon end,” he said.
Mr. Busztin said the liberation must be followed by genuine dialogue leading to a historic compromise among all components of Iraqi society in order to consolidate victory and ensure sustainable peace for the future.
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