Attending the first conference of Basiji Elites, Brigadier General Hossein Salami referred to the Mina Tragedy stating that, “weak and poor regimes are not capable of solving major issues; Saudi Arabia has mixed ignorance with new tools and techniques to offer a modified political system while it resides in the depth of naivety."
“The Saudi regime is unintelligent and lacks political capacity to manage crises having an arrogant and ambitious spirit which attacks Yemen and its poor Muslim nation,” added Salami.
The commander continued that, “They provide economic and financial support for Takfiri terrorists to ruin countries like Syria while they fail to control the great congregation of Hajj with a weak and humiliating performance which leads to their own disrespect in the world.”
Stating that Iran is engaged in a global battle with enemies in religious and cultural fields, he said that, “the nature of modern warfare is different from the past because the geographical boundaries have collapsed and we live in a virtual world with real images.”
Brigadier General Hossein Salami asserted that, “our enemies have been forced to change their involvement in the conflict from strategic position to operating levels and this is due to our Islamic Revolution.”
“The US has entered a great battle and has focused on the West Asia and the Islamic World as the main priority in its foreign policy and has suffered great losses after our Islamic Revolution,” he added.
Deputy Commander of the IRGC noted that, “a great power which is not able to use its economic and cultural and military elements to gain profit and to bring about political evolution is definitely suffering from a malfunctioning political system.”
“The fact that Muslim nations have become more aware and have realized the realities of America’s global system is a great opportunity that can be used for the movement and progress of the Muslim world,” he added.
Underscoring the importance of Iran’s army in dealing with reginal issues, Brigadier General Salami asserted that, “by the presence of Russia in Syria, the equation in the region has taken a new form; even in America’s view, Bashar Assad is an important part of the solution to the Syrian crisis; Saudi Arabia’s economy is also deteriorating and it would not take much time before they collapse.”
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