In an interview with an Israeli radio, Retired Major General Yizkhak Barik said that "Israel did not defeat Hamas. The army is too small and cannot carry out a mission like destroying a movement like Hamas. All the celebrations we have about destroying Hamas are nonsense."
"Hamas has about 500 kilometers of tunnels and we have only destroyed less than 10 percent of them, now Hamas has about 25,000 fighters. We cannot win without staying on the ground, we cannot win without destroying hundreds of kilometers of tunnels. Today the number of Hamas forces has returned to its normal size before the war," Barik said.
When asked if the military was lying, he replied, "A big lie! There is a lot of fear among officers to tell the truth. All the celebrations that are being held under the pretext of conquering Gaza and winning the war are nonsense. Today we are in a very difficult situation in Gaza and Trump saved us from losing hundreds more soldiers in Gaza."
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