Sep 24, 2024, 11:52 PM

Pezeshkian at UNGA 2024:

Terrorist crimes against Lebanon will not go unanswered

Terrorist crimes against Lebanon will not go unanswered

TEHRAN, Sep. 24 (MNA) – Delivering a speech at the 19th United Nations General Assembly summit, the Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian said that the recent terrorist crimes and the widespread aggression against Lebanon will not go unanswered.

Attending the 79th General Assembly of the United Nations is the first appearance of President Pezeshkian at the international level.

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres addressed rising “impunity, inequality, and unpredictability” throughout the world with a push for 193 member states to focus on “more effective, inclusive, and networked multilateralism” in-. a speech to the UN.

Other speakers on the opening day of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) include United State's President Joe Biden, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, and Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani.

The gathering in New York City comes a week after the UNGA overwhelmingly adopted a resolution calling on Israel to end its illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories within a year, a move Palestine hailed as “historic”, according to Aljazeera.

The following is the speech of president Pezeshkian at 79th General Assembly of the United Nations:

This is the first time I am speaking to you from the position of the Islamic Republic of Iran. By electing me, the Iranian nation voted for the slogan of the national alliance. This slogan is in accordance with the instructions of God Almighty in the Holy Quran.

Establishing and spreading justice in society among all people, regardless of color, race, gender, and language is the mission of all prophets.

Peace and security will not be established in the world unless the rights of all people, communities and nations are respected within the framework of justice and fairness.

Israeli regime has failed in Gaza war

In the past year, the people of the world have seen the nature of the Israeli regime. They have seen how this regime has killed more than 41000 innocent people in Gaza.

The Israeli regime has failed in Gaza and cannot restore its invincibility with crimes and brutality and efforts to expand the war.

The recent terrorist crimes and the widespread aggression against Lebanon, which has killed thousands of innocent people, will not go unanswered and the governments that stand against international efforts to end this terrible tragedy, are responsible for its consequences.

The only way to end the seventy-year nightmare of insecurity in West Asia and the world is to restore the Palestinian people's right to self-determination.

We suggest that all the Palestinian people, both those who are now in their homeland and those who have been forced to leave their homes, decide their future in a nationwide referendum.

Iran has never initiated any war in history

I intend to establish strong foundations for my country to enter the new era and play a constructive and effective role in the emerging global system.

I am the president of a country that has been subjected to threats, war, occupation and embargo many times in its contemporary history.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is determined to provide and guarantee its own security, not to create insecurity for others.

Look at the contemporary history of the region, Iran has never initiated any war and has only heroically defended itself against the aggression of others and made the aggressors regret it. Iran has not occupied the land of any nation.

We demand lasting peace and security for the people of Ukraine and Russia. The Islamic Republic of Iran, while opposing war and emphasizing the need for a quick stop to military conflicts in Ukraine, supports any peaceful solution.

In today's interconnected world, the security and interests of one country will never be secured by destroying the security and interests of others.

Tehran ready to interact with JCPOA members

We need a new perspective to solve global issues. Such a perspective should focus on opportunities instead of threats, based on this interactive logic, new opportunities for cooperation can be created.

Iran and the world powers reached the JCPOA with an opportunity-oriented approach and we accepted the highest level of monitoring in the nuclear field in exchange for the recognition of Iran's rights and the lifting of sanctions. 

Trump's unilateral withdrawal from the JCPOA showed a threat-oriented view in the political arena and a power-oriented view in the economic arena.

We are ready to interact with the JCPOA members. If JCPOA commitments are implemented in full and in good faith, we can enter into discussions on other issues.

Here I am saying to the American people, it is not Iran that has built a military base next to your borders, it is not Iran that has sanctioned your country and hindered your trade relations with the world.

It is not Iran that prevents you from accessing medicine. It is not Iran that has prevented you from accessing the banking and monetary system of the world.

Iran has not assassinated your army commanders, but America has assassinated Iran's dearest military commander at the Baghdad airport.

My message to all governments that have adopted a non-constructive strategy towards Iran is to learn a lesson from history.

Sanctions are a destructive and inhumane weapon that are used to paralyze the country's economy.

Deprivation of access to vital medicines is one of the most painful consequences of sanctions that endanger the lives of thousands of innocent people. This action is not only a clear violation of human rights but also a crime against humanity.

Iran is ready to establish effective and equal economic, social, political and security relations with world powers and its neighbors in order to build a better world.


News ID 221851


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