Oct 15, 2023, 5:06 PM

Raeisi warns of escalation if Israel not cease aggression

Raeisi warns of escalation if Israel not cease aggression

TEHRAN, Oct. 15 (MNA) – The Iranian president has warned that war in Palestine can broaden if the Zionist regime of Israel does not stop the killing of Gaza people and its blockage on the Strip.

President Ebrahim Raeisi of Iran made the remarks on Sunday in a phone call with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron, according to a post by Mohammad Jamshidi, the political deputy at the office of the President published on his X account, formerly known as Twitter.

Receiving the telephone call from Emmanuel Macron, Iran’s President warned against the consequences of the ongoing developments in the Gaza Strip.

If the Zionist regime's crimes, including the killing of people and the blockade of Gaza, are not ceased, the situation will become more complicated and the battle will broaden.

As many as 2,269 people, including over 700 Palestinian children, have been so far killed and 9,814 others injured since the regime launched its bloody aggression against the coastal territory.

In its latest updated figures released by the Zionist regime's army, on Sunday morning it said that the number of soldiers killed during the Al-Aqsa Storm operation increased to 286.

A total of more than 1300 Zionist settlers and soldiers have been killed in the Al-Aqsa Storm operation launched by Hamas last Saturday.

In the meantime, the Iranian Presidential office has published the readout of the phone call, which reads that Raeisi warned Macron that "If the Zionist regime seeks to pay for its defeat through the continuation of these crimes [against Palestinians], the dimensions of the developments will expand," the Press TV website reported.

He added that Western countries and international organizations shoulder a responsibility in addressing the ongoing crimes of the Israeli regime against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Raeisi stressed the necessity of an immediate halt to the bombardment of residential areas in Gaza, lifting the blockade, and providing essential supplies like water, electricity, fuel, and basic items to the besieged city, in addition to respecting the absolute rights of the Palestinian people.

The president emphasized that those measures are necessary to prevent the spread of the crisis in the region.

Raeisi strongly condemned Israel's criminal attacks and expressed deep concern for the people of Gaza, citing seven decades of oppression, discrimination, injustice, and occupation of Palestinian territories by the regime.

The Iranian president further emphasized that the Tel Aviv regime has repeatedly violated international rules and conventions and the so-called peace agreements against the Palestinians.

"This time, the regime has also committed war crimes by violating all international rules and regulations as it imposed a blockade [on Gaza] and cut off supplies of water, electricity, fuel, food and medicine to the people of Gaza," Raeisi said.

He added that Israel has also carried out "extensive and indiscriminate bombardment against civilian targets and even used phosphorous bombs."

The Iranian president stressed the importance of putting an immediate end to the bombing of residential areas in Gaza, saying, "The forced displacement of Gaza residents from their hometowns is neither practical nor compatible with international principles and laws."

He added that the Palestinian resistance groups and all free nations of the world will stand against such crimes against Palestinians.

Raeisi also slammed the incorrect and incomplete narratives of the Western media about the events taking place against the oppressed and defenseless people of Gaza and once again called for exerting pressure on Israel to stop its crimes against civilians and lift the blockade of Gaza.

He highlighted the importance of every single moment and seconds to force the Israeli regime to stop its crimes and prevent the spread of the crisis to other parts of the region.

"Western countries and international organizations should immediately fulfill their responsibility in this regard," he stated.

The Iranian president also criticized the French government for preventing a rally in support of the Palestinian people and called on his French counterpart not to allow "the name of France be mentioned in the history as a country that supports the child-killing Zionist regime."

According to Press TV report, Raeisi reiterated Iran's principled stance on support for the Palestinian people's rights and said, "We believe that defending the Palestinian resistance movement is defending an oppressed nation."

For his part, the French president expressed concern over the escalation of the crisis in the Gaza Strip and called on Iran to play its influential role to control the situation in the region.

However, Macron was told by his Iranian counterpart that resistance groups can decide for themselves.


News ID 207149


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