Aug 28, 2023, 10:50 AM

Niger junta cut off electricity, water to French embassy

Niger junta cut off electricity, water to French embassy

TEHRAN, Aug. 28 (MNA) – Niger’s military administration has cut off water and electricity to the French Embassy in the capital Niamey with no food deliveries allowed, multiple reports on social media said.

The president of the National Support Committee for the National Council for the Safeguarding of the Country (CNSP), Elh Issa Hassoumi Boureima, has asked all partners of French bases in Niger to suspend all water and electricity supplies and food products, TRT World reported.

In addition, any partners who continue to help the French in the process of supplying the goods and services will be considered “enemies of the sovereign people,” the reports added.

The reports come after a two-day deadline given by the military administration to the French ambassador to leave the country expired Sunday.

Amid tensions that have risen in the weeks following the ouster of the West African nation's democratically elected President Mohamed Bazoum, the administration's Foreign Ministry gave Ambassador Sylvain Itte 48 hours to “leave Nigerien territory."

Niger was plunged into turmoil on July 26 when Gen. Abdourahamane Tchiani, a former commander of the presidential guard, led a military intervention that ousted President Bazoum.

France launched an operation earlier this month to evacuate its citizens as well as other nationals from Niamey.


News ID 205252


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