Jun 18, 2023, 12:20 PM

Mahmood Abbas:

Arab world welcomes miraculous detente of Iran, Saudi Arabia

Arab world welcomes miraculous detente of Iran, Saudi Arabia

TEHRAN, Jun. 18 (MNA) – Hailing China's significant role in Arab affairs, the President of the Palestinian Authority termed the historic reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran as a miracle that garnered a warm reception from Arab nations.

President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas made the remarks in an interview with China's Television network CTGN.

Referring to China's significant role in Arab affairs, he said that China's impartiality in the Middle East enabled it to facilitate the historic reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran, garnering a warm reception from Arab nations.

Abbas hailed this achievement as a "miracle" and welcomed China's continued engagement at the China-Arab States Summit to foster collaboration in various fields. 


News ID 202131


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