Jan 22, 2022, 6:22 PM

Afghan media say car bomb in Herat leaves many casualties

Afghan media say car bomb in Herat leaves many casualties

TEHRAN, Jan. 22 (MNA) – Local media in Afghanistan have reported that a huge car explosion in Herat has had many casualties in the western city of Herat on Saturday.

Local Afghan media have reported an explosion in the Haji Abbas neighborhood in Herat.

All the occupants of a van are said to have been killed in the explosion.

The exact number of casualties in the blast is still unknown, Herat online telegram channel has said.

Tolo News has said that the a magnetic bomb has caused the explosion.

Women and children are said to be among the victims, according to Tolo.

The medical staff of the central hospital in Herat say that 6 people have been killed while 10 others have been injured, Herat online has reported.


News ID 183152


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