Oct 29, 2019, 12:21 PM

Iran recognizes UNSC unsuccessful against Zionist regime

Iran recognizes UNSC unsuccessful against Zionist regime

TEHRAN, Oct. 29 (MNA) – Deputy Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations named non-implementation of UN 365 resolution about Palestine and the occupied lands as a sign for the incapability of UN Security Council against the Zionist regime.

“The issue can end into results more catastrophic than those of wars,” Eshag Al habib warned addressing a UN Security Council meeting on Monday.

He noted that despite all the 2,500 ratified UN Security Council resolutions to support Palestine, the Israeli regime is continuing its wild measures and illegal policies against Palestinians under full support.

The Iranian envoy added that the Zionist regime is seeking expansion of its territories and it also threatens regional countries by atomic weapons.

Alehabib warned that the Israeli regime’s measures are a threat to the validity and reliability of the UN Security Council and will throw the world into chaos.

He named the US’ support for Israel as the main reason for the regime’s illegal activities and urged the international body to be aware of its responsibilities against the threats and crimes of the Zionist regime.

On October 23 and at Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) meeting in Baku, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said "the extremist and unilateral policy pursued by the US coupled with its contempt for international law has had a devastating impact on the Palestinian people."

"The extremist and unilateral policy pursued by the US coupled with its contempt for international law has had a devastating impact on the Palestinian people. The Trump administration is aiding and abetting the aggressive Israeli regime in its expansionist behavior which seeks to undermine the status of the Palestinian issue as the pivotal issue in the Middle East. The most important reason for the US administration and the Israeli regime to ignite hostilities within and among the countries of our region and to push the non-issues such as Iran’s peaceful nuclear program, is to eclipse the plight of the Palestinian people and force a regional realignment to its detriment. What is indeed extremely regrettable is that some States in our region are buying this trick, thus furthering the agenda of the US and the Zionist regime. It is of great importance that the NAM countries maintain and strengthen their united front and do not allow the Zionist regime and its enablers to succeed in their aim of relegating the Palestinian question to the margin," he said.

"The US vicious moves about al-Quds al-Sharif and the creation of a viable Palestinian State despite the clear UN resolutions are frustrating and detrimental to the efforts towards finding a just and lasting solution for the crisis. While none of the US administrations in the past ever intended to help Palestinians create a viable States, this administration has taken off the mask and pursues the same policy in an aggressive and shamelessly transparent way, providing more encouragement to the expansionist Zionist regime," he added. 

MNA/IRN 83534051

News ID 151701


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