Oct 28, 2024, 1:20 PM

Retired Syrian General told MNA;

Iran's air defense successfully confronts Israeli aggression

Iran's air defense successfully confronts Israeli aggression

TEHRAN, Oct. 28 (MNA) – Retired General Mohammad Abbas, a Syrian political and military analyst, stated that Iran's air defense effectively confronted the aggressive actions of the Zionists, sending a message of authority to Tel Aviv's allies.

The Zionist regime recently engaged in hostile actions against the Islamic Republic of Iran, an act of provocation backed by the United States. In response, Iran declared that it would not leave this aggression unanswered.

To shed more light on the issue, the international service of Mehr News Agency interviewed Mohammad Abbas, a military affairs expert and a retired brigadier general of the Syrian army.

Following is the full text of the interview:

What are the consequences of the Israeli regime's air attack on Iran, along with the media coverage by the Western and Zionist axis?

The enemies' media is tasked with portraying the Zionist regime's air and missile forces as dominant in the region. Their actions in Gaza and Beirut are often framed as demonstrations of power. In the past, the actions of the Zionists in Syria were characterized as those of a party with significant air power. Their attack on Iran was an attempt to re-establish their deterrent status.

Recently, Western media has generally focused on the missile capabilities and air force strength of the Zionist regime. Despite this portrayal, Iran's air defense system demonstrated its readiness by preventing the Zionist regime from achieving its attack goals, delivering a clear message to the enemy. The most important takeaway is that the air defense of the Islamic Republic of Iran possesses advanced technology and excellent capabilities, capable of creating a new strategic equation.

What was the impact of Iran's air defense against the attacks of the Zionist regime on the deterrence power of the Axis of Resistance?

By invading Iranian territory, the Zionist regime attempted to establish new military and security equations in its confrontation with Tehran using its air force. In my view, Iran's successful defense reinforced the principle of "fire against fire" and "deterrence against deterrence," thereby strengthening the deterrent capability of the resistance.

Consequently, the Zionist regime experienced a significant setback in achieving its objectives. Today, we can conclude that this aggression against Iran marked a major defeat for Israel, and the Iranian forces effectively countered this invasion.

A number of countries in the region participated in the airstrike. What is your assessment in this regard?

The passage of some planes or missiles through Jordanian airspace highlights the weakness and vulnerability of Arab states. Although the Zionist regime has utilized this airspace, Jordanian officials had previously stated during a meeting with Iran's foreign minister that they would not permit anyone to use their airspace.

We must emphasize that the extent of Iran's power in the fight against the aggression of the Zionist regime strengthened the Axis of Resistance, and at the same time, it demonstrated to the supporters of the Zionist regime how capable this Resistance is at shooting down their missiles and planes today.

What message did the success of Iran's air defense in confronting the aggression of the Zionist regime send to the allies of this regime?

Undoubtedly, the allies of the Zionist regime, including both regional partners, Western countries even the US, sought to test the effectiveness of Iran's air defense system. This system has demonstrated its impressive capability and readiness to intercept hostile targets. As a result, adversaries are likely more cautious now before initiating any conflict or attack.

Today, we are witnessing the destruction of the Zionist regime. This regime has many conditions and grounds for its collapse within itself, and its destruction is imminent.


News ID 223665


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