Sep 16, 2024, 3:06 PM

President Pezeshkian says Iran will never accept bullying

President Pezeshkian says Iran will never accept bullying

TEHRAN, Sep. 16 (MNA) – The Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian says that the United States must change its behavior towards Iran and first prove its good intentions before direct talks, stressing that Iran will never accept bullying.

In the opening speech to the press conference, president Masoud Pezeshkian reiterated the need for national unity and setting aside differences among the political factions.

In response to a question about his recent trip to neighboring Iraq and his stress there on Islamic unity, Pezeshkian stressed the need for increasing cooperation and strengthening relations among Islamic countries.  "All Muslims are brothers; All Muslim countries should be able to interact with each other easily," he stressed.

He added, "Muslim nations should prepare the ground for cooperation and investment."

He further stressed the need to maintain national unity to tackle economic problems. He went on to talk about his government's domestic politics and said that "We need to resolve issues of sanctions and FATF," in order to promote Iran's economic relations with the world, Pezeshkian stressed.

He also said that his administration will try to attract foreign investment and strengthen economic ties with neighboring countries and beyond. "Iran needs to create a free market for foreign investment to come," he stressed.

In response to a question from the Chinese CCTV correspondent in Tehran, the president praised China's role in reconciling Iran and Saudi Arabia and promoting cooperation in the region. "Iran and China enjoy strategic partnership" the new Iranian president stressed.

Later in the press conference, Pezeshkian admitted to imbalances in various energy sectors of Iran, "Iranian government is seeking to lay ground for boosting domestic production, he noted.

In response to Al Jazeera question about the recent missile attack by Yemenis on the Zionist region, the president strongly rejected the claims that Iran transferred the hypersonic missile to Yemen to use it in the attack on Tel Aviv. " Yemenis are capable of building their own weapons," he underscored.

Pezeshkian went on to say that he supports anything that could help boost Iran's relations with Arab and Muslim states.

He deplored the genocidal war waged by the Zionist regime on Gaza Strip and censured the regime for bombing schools, and hospitals in the enclave.

He reiterated the need for creating hope among all people from all walks of life as one of government priorities.

The president went on to talks about strengthening ties with Islamic states such as Turkey and said that " Turkey as a friendly and brotherly nation with which Iran is seeking to enhance all-out ties."

Pezeshkian said that his administration defends the initiative by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution to form free-thinking forums at universities.

" It's not acceptable that people from underdeveloped areas cannot pursue higher education," he later said.

"Iran remains committed to international principles," he said in response to a question, stressing that " Iran reserves the right to self-defense against the Zionist regime of Israel."

"Iran needs defensive power to survive but it has never waged war against others," Pezeshkian further stressed.

The president said that his administration is preparing plans to address the issue of internet filtering.

As regards relations with the United States, he said that "US should first prove its good intentions....Iran will never accept bullying." 

"Iran will continue to develop relations with Russia, China, and BRICS states," he later said.

As regards his recent trip to Iraq, the president said that  Iran and Iraq enjoy commonalities in various areas. He blamed the US for creating tensions between Iraq and Iran.

Iran wants to have relations with Egypt, he elsewhere said.

In response to a question about Iran's talks with world power on reviving the JCPOA, the president said that Iran never seeks to acquire nuclear weapons but never accepts bullying too.

"Illegal Afghan migrants cannot stay in Iran illegally," he further said in response to a related question.

He went on to say that Iran needs to address technical requirements but it does not seek nukes. 

He stressed that he holds talks with Muslims, and brother countries about the plight of Palestinians.

According to the Iranian president, Iran and Russia enjoy every right to have relations but "we have not supplied weapons to Russia". 

Regarding Russian war against Ukraine and Nato, Pezeshkian said that "NATO countries have broken their promises not to come closer to Russian borders."

He later called on the US not to hatch plots against Iranian people.


News ID 221342


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