Nov 11, 2006, 7:11 PM

Israeli crimes meant to force Hamas into compromise: analyst

TEHRAN, Nov. 11 (MNA) -- Israel’s recent crimes are meant to make the Palestinians succumb and force Hamas into a political agreement, says Egyptian political analyst Ahmad al-Khamisi.

On November 1, the Zionist regime stormed into Bait Hanun in Gaza Strip and al-Yamun village in the West Bank, killing many civilian Palestinians, including women and children.


“These atrocities follow the crimes that Israel started after the victory of the Hamas movement in Palestinian polls, and doubled after an Israeli soldier was taken captive,” al-Khamisi told the Mehr News Agency in an interview published on Friday.


“The death toll of Palestinians has become like announcing weather forecast, and the international community has turned a blind eye to these crimes as if the blood of our children has no value,” he added.


“The Zionist regime is also seeking to pressure the Palestinian nation into accepting the Oslo accords and recognizing Israel,” he commented.


Israel is trying to persuade the Palestinians that resistance will bear no fruit and that they have no other option but to accept the occupation, the analyst observed.


Khamisi went on to say that the international community is an accomplice of Israel and the United States. “All of them benefit economically and politically by spilling the blood of the Third World nations.”


Asked whether the unity between Fatah and Hamas movements will thwart Israel’s recent plot, the Egyptian journalist said, “Unity between Fatah and Hamas is basically uncertain.”


“We all hope that the Palestinians would maintain unity, but is such a thing possible?”


“In response to Israel’s recent crimes, the Palestinian National Authority Chairman (Mahmud Abbas) Abu Mazen said that it was a horrible crime. Everybody knows it was a horrible crime. We expected Abu Mazen to say it was a criminal act.”


“In the current situation the Palestinians need spiritual and financial assistance so that they would break the cruel siege against them.”


Khamisi suggested that an international court must put the Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on trial for his crimes and also his predecessor Ariel Sharon for the massacre in Qana.


The officials of the Zionist regime and the U.S. should stand trial in a higher court for these inhumane acts, the analyst maintained.


“We need to put on trial all those laws that give a green light to the bloodshed of our women and children, taking place everyday before the eyes of the world and the UN,” he added.







News ID 20686

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