Sep 10, 2023, 5:15 PM

Deputy FM:

Iran welcomes Europe initiatives on boosting cooperation

Iran welcomes Europe initiatives on boosting cooperation

TEHRAN, Sep. 10 (MNA) – Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Ali Bagheri Kani says that Tehran welcomes any initiatives proposed by the European side over developing interaction and cooperation.

Bagheri Kani made the remarks in a meeting with the EU Special Representative Luigi Di Maio and his accompanying delegation.

During the meeting, the senior Iranian diplomat stressed that Iran's capacities in the regional and international arenas have presented irreplaceable opportunities for regional and global players to hold dialogue, interaction, and cooperation.

Referring to the role of the European Union in mobilizing and consolidating the capacities of Europe, Bagheri Kani underlined that Iran in practice has shown that it has the necessary determination and ability to hold bilateral interaction.

Therefore, Iran welcomes any initiative from the European side to open new doors of interaction and cooperation, he added.

Di Maio, for his part, said that Tehran plays an important and effective role in regional and global developments, emphasizing that all European Union member states support the path of dialogue and interaction with the Islamic Republic of Iran.


News ID 205880


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