Aug 7, 2023, 3:50 PM

Raeisi visits IRIB to commemorate national Journalist Day

Raeisi visits IRIB to commemorate national Journalist Day

TEHRAN, Aug. 07 (MNA) – The Iranian president went to the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) in the north of Tehran Monday to commemorate national Journalist Day, where he praised the role that media and journalists play in society.

Speaking to the Islamic Republic of Iran News Network (IRINN) on his visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) on Monday, President Ebrahim Raeisi praised the role that journalists and reporters played during the Sacred Defense against Saddam Ba'thist regime between 1980-88 for transferring the realities of the war to the society, saying, "The news and reports we have about the Sacred Defense is the results of the efforts of our honest and brave reporters at the scene. Had it not been for their efforts, today's generation would not be familiar with the bravery that happened on the frontlines."

Raeisi said that his administration welcomes criticism from the media and journalists, saying "Journalists play an important role in explaining people's demands to government officials and statesmen, as well as conveying the views of officials and statesmen to the people."

He further hailed the important role played by the national TV and Radio in defending Islamic values and presenting a proper Iranian and Islamic lifestyle.

MNA/5855854/IRN telegram

News ID 204277


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