Since dental problems in children with cancer may occur from chemotherapy or radiotherapy, in pediatric cancer treatment centers such as MAHAK Hospital and to maintain the quality of life of children, the dental care team along with the other physicians should advance the treatment process.
MAHAK’s dental department has inaugurated its activities in 2008 with the help of benefactors, the parents of under-treatment children at MAHAK who were dentists, and the interest of the officials of the Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Science (SMBU) School of Dentistry and support of late Prof. Parvaneh Vossough and MAHAK Charity. Currently, a team included of staff and volunteer dentists provide MAHAK children including those under treatment or survivors with dental care.
Dental complications are more likely to develop in children who receive chemotherapy before their permanent teeth were fully formed especially before the age of five or the ones whose treatment will be completed with radiation to the head and neck, mouth or salivary glands.
The problems that may occur from the above-mentioned treatment include Increased risk for cavities; shortening or thinning of tooth roots; small teeth; problems with tooth development or eruption of permanent teeth; gum disease as well as the problems with tooth enamel development that result in white or discolored patches, grooves, and pits. It should be noted that the excessive fatigue of cancer patients is another reason for not giving enough attention to their dental care.
Providing treatment and supportive services to children suffering from cancer within the framework of national and international standards as well as reducing the complications and side effects of cancer are among MAHAK’s missions. We, at MAHAK, hope to alleviate families’ concerns about treatment, help children to pass treatment days happier and focus on the quality of their life in the future.
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