Dec 12, 2021, 6:35 PM

EU demands slowing down pace of Vienna talks: source

EU demands slowing down pace of Vienna talks: source

TEHRAN, Dec. 12 (MNA) – A source close to the Iranian delegation to the Vienna talks said the Europeans were trying to impose demands beyond the nuclear deal's terms.

The source, who wanted not to be named, told Al-Jazeera that the three European countries had made excessive demands that had slowed down the negotiation process.

The source stressed that the Iranian delegation has strongly resisted pressure from the Europeans who try to impose extra-matters from outside the nuclear deal.

A new round of Vienna talks on the removal of US sanctions against Iran was held on Thursday during which the Iranian negotiating team stood firm on its position to remove the sanctions as a pre-condition to revive the JCPOA.

The new Vienna talks since the new Iranian administration under President Ebrahim Raeisi took office in early August began on Novemeber 29. The talks were followed by the meetings of the working groups on the removal of the sanctions and the nuclear issues.

Iran’s top negotiator Ali Bagheri Kani said yesterday that Tehran will not accept anything less than the nuclear agreement it signed with world powers in 2015, stressing that the issue will remain Tehran’s red line at the ongoing talks in Vienna.


News ID 181698


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