Nov 25, 2020, 1:39 PM

IPL sees first change of coach in new season

IPL sees first change of coach in new season

TEHRAN, Nov. 25 (MNA) – After just two matchdays of the new Iran Professional League season, Paykan's head coach Mehdi Tartar has parted way with the team.

He had been named as the team's head coach on November 5, replacing Abdollah Veisi. Paykan has registered one loss and one win in the two first matches of the new season. 

Tartar is among the young generation of Iranian coaches that seek to enhance their experiences. 

“I was appointed as Paykan coach just before the start of the league and the players have not been signed under my supervision. I don’t have the players to implement my idea and style of play,” Tartar said, after announcing his resignation. 

Paykan is set to take on Zob Ahan on matchday three on Nov. 26.


News ID 166348


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