At a Friday night rally in Mississippi, the US President Donald Trump said that the ISIL terror group should respect the former president Barak Obama because he created it.
Trump said that Obama founded the ISIL and financed it. He also blamed the former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for creating the terror group.
Trump briefly mentioned the raid that killed ISIS chieftain Baghdadi. He complained that "if Obama had that story, it would be going on for another seven months."
Trump said the media downplayed the raid, saying "with me, they don't even wanna — they actually played it down. And actually, and I'm happy about this — Conan, the dog, got more publicity than me. And I'm very happy about that."
The media was a favorite topic for Trump on Friday night, who insisted CNN turned "the red light off," presumably meaning the camera light, when he was bashing them.
"We need honesty with our media," he said to cheers. "We need honesty."
According to CBS News, he mocked former Vice President Joe Biden and the impeachment inquiry.
"How do you impeach a president who didn't do anything wrong?" Mr. Trump asked.
He also called impeachment a "dirty word, a phony word," and claimed before the audience of about 10,000 supporters that "yesterday's vote by radical Democrats is an attack on democracy itself."
Trump mocked the idea that he was "so afraid" of his main contender Joe Biden, saying that he "beat the Clinton dynasty, the Bush dynasty, the Barack Hussein Obama dynasty," but "Sleepy Joe, I'm worried about?"
He said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was "spending all her time on this impeachment crap."
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