Sep 7, 2016, 2:17 PM


Baghdad, Damascus would collapse in absence of Iran

Baghdad, Damascus would collapse in absence of Iran

TEHRAN, Sep. 07 (MNA) – Chairman of Iran's Expediency Council said ISIL could have occupied Baghdad and Damascus if it was not for Iran.

The President of French National Assembly Claude Bartolone who is visiting Tehran met on Tuesday with the Chairman of Iran's Expediency Council Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.

In response to Bartolone’s question on regional conditions, Iran’s Rafsanjani pointed to turbulent conditions in various parts of the Middle East and, while recalling insecurities of Libya, Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Yemen and Bahrain, said “unfortunately, roots of insecurity have spread in the region mainly due to financial and military support provided to terrorist by some regional states and even world powers.”

He outlined the region’s deteriorating situation as excellent grounds for the Zionist regime to expand its crimes and threats in other countries saying “even the conditions in Lebanon are not satisfying as the slightest insecurity could offer a new field to terrorists.”

The official emphasized the need for France and the US to take the initiative in uprooting terrorism and noted “the role of France has been limited to taking political stances though it could be much more significant.”

Rafsanjani criticized lack of serious determination on the part of the world’s influential governments to resolve regional issues, especially those of Syria explaining “recent peace talks by world powers have been prolonged while uncoordinated interventions of powerful countries of West and East has merely deteriorated the situation by making it more complex and complicated.

Chairman of Iran's Expediency Council warned against future plans of terrorists especially once they spread in various countries and, while referring to recent terrorist blasts in Syria and Afghanistan leading to death and injury of tens or hundreds of innocent people, said “terrorists’ access to chemical bombs brings about a heavier responsibility for the global community who are obliged to destroy ideologies behind terrorism by adopting a comprehensive perspective.”

Hashemi Rafsanjani also denounced the hesitation of European countries in expanding ties with Iran stressing “both in theory and practice, the Islamic Republic of Iran has attested its commitment to international obligations and its scientific and economic capacities possess proper grounds for mutual collaborations.”

He also condemned the contradictions found in words and acts of the West and referred to official activities of hypocrites inside European states despite the fact that they have committed several crimes against Iranian people and officials; “our nation would not buy into the claims that West and Europe are confronting terrorism since some terrorists are welcomed as high-ranking guests in these countries.”

Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani recalled that 17 thousand of Iranian people and officials were martyred by hypocrites noting “the Iranian nation questions the fact that France, as the center of democracy in the world, would let terrorists actively participate inside their country.”

The official touched upon Iran’s precious experiences in the fight against terrorism stating that Iran remains a frim pillar for regional security as Baghdad and Syria would have been occupied in the absence of Iran.

He voiced Iran’s readiness to fight against terrorism while underlined that “the West and Europe would fail to confront the ongoing scourge in the Middle East, as long as terrorist remain comfortable in European states.”

Expediency Council chairman outlined active cooperation as the key to success of the international community in resolving the issues and expansion of bilateral or multilateral ties with the Islamic Republic of Iran as a paragon of security.

At the end of his remarks, Iran’s Rafsanjani also referred to temporary settlement of Imam Khomeini in France saying “at that time, Iranian people would respect France and the French embassy as well as that an area in the city of Qom has been named after France’s Neauphle-le-Château commune.”

Earlier at the meeting, President of French National Assembly Claude Bartolone emphasized the willingness of French people and government to deepen ties with Tehran in the new era saying “we provided support to the nuclear deal between Iran and the 5+1 group of countries and we encourage implementation of each and every article in the agreement, especially financial and banking cooperation between Iran and the international community which leads to mutual benefit.”

He further called for reinvigoration of bilateral ties between Tehran and Paris as well as regional cooperation; “Syria remains as a good ground for further mutual collaboration in order to preserve the global community from the threats posed by terrorism.”

Bartolone also pointed out the significance of economic cooperation between the two countries and recalled the purchase of France’s Airbus aircraft by Iran asserting “several petrochemical, economic and industrial venues exist for cooperation.”

The official said France intends to remind the US of the need to meet its international obligations.

Referring to the pathetic conditions of hypocrites who were begging to win support of the French parliament, he concluded “once in a gathering in front of the French parliament, they received attention from only three out of 570 French parliamentarians which indicates the low status of hypocrites.”


News ID 119568


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