Feb 25, 2016, 2:47 PM

Hamas Lebanon envoy:

Islamic Republic of Iran ‘huge support for Resistance’

Islamic Republic of Iran ‘huge support for Resistance’

TEHRAN, Feb. 25 (MNA) – A Senior Hamas official has sit in an interview to Leader’s official website where he has talked about a host of issues including the future of the Third Intifada and Hamas relations with Syria after the civil war hit the country.

In the third part of the interview to the Leader’s official website, Mr. Osama Hamdan focused mainly on Hamas relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran as its most important single powerful supporter since the Revolution of 1979. Mr. Hamdan however spoke with caution about possible agreements with Iran so as not to leak important details of Iran’s support for the Resistance in the Palestinian Territories.

He believed that Iran’s support would continue as it did in the past which would made the Resistance firmer in the path to ultimate triumph against the Zionist enemy:


What role did the Islamic Republic of Iran play in supporting the Palestinian nation? How will it continue in the future?

The story of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s role is a long one; unfortunately there won’t be enough time during this interview to cover all of it. I believe the Islamic Republic’s support for the cause and the nation of Palestine began before the victory of the Islamic Revolution when Imam Khomeini was persecuted by the Shah’s regime and lived in Najaf. Then he issued a verdict that allowed the money collected for khums and zakat (sorts of religious taxing schemes) to be sent to Palestinian fighters.

In their narrow ideology, they prioritized Iran over other issues; why would they talk about Palestine? But Imam Khomeini could see that the source of evil in this region was this cancerous tumor. He knew that this evil should be dealt with from the root. After the victory of the Revolution, the most important thing to happen was a strategic change in the region. Change occurred when Iran turned from a supporter of the Zionist regime into a supporter of resistance for the Palestinian nation. The support that Iran provided with its resistance, whether in Palestine or in Lebanon- lead to victories which were unmatched compared to previous years.  For 37 years with the support of the Islamic Republic for resistance in Palestine and in Lebanon, by the grace of God, we have achieved victories that were unattainable for the greatest armies. We succeeded in driving the occupiers out of Lebanon in 2000, out of Gaza in 2004 and in July 2006 during the 33-day War in Lebanon, we won the fight against the invaders.  We won the confrontation in Gaza (December 2008-January 2009) and later in 2012 and 2014, we recorded epics. In all these victories the Islamic Republic of Iran had a role in terms of political, financial and direct support by providing the resistance with all equipment.

In retrospect, as far as Hamas is concerned, we are talking about 25 years of relations, at the least, with the Islamic Republic.  Naturally, the experience throughout these 25 years will generate a better future. Today there are many great projects we share with our brothers in the Islamic Republic. One such project started years ago and continues today; we talk about new projects in the framework of resistance and in supporting the Palestinian people’s resistance. Thus, I believe that in the future these relations will greatly improve. We anticipate and wish the day will come when Jerusalem is liberated; God willing that day will come soon. I believe that the entire world will witness that day and on that day we will speak out in great details on how Iran arranged the resistance. Perhaps today certain security issues hinder us from revealing all of details. However, I will say that any victory the resistance has gained, our Iranian brothers had a role in it.

You said, “Iran’s support for Hamas has long existed and continues to be there.” Would you please explain more?

In 2014, the occupiers thought they had managed to marginalize the Palestinian cause while in the gloom of other regional events. They believe that the Islamic Republic was too busy with the events in the region and the Arabs distanced themselves from the Palestinian issue. So they thought they could devastate the axis of resistance in the region and their next assault would be targeted at the center of resistance in Lebanon. The enemy attacked Gaza.  It’s true that during 51 days of assault by the enemy many houses were demolished and thousands of Palestinian children were killed. However, the outcome shocked the enemies because missiles reached Tel Aviv and Haifa. They were traumatized by seeing the forces of resistance combat the occupiers on the front lines and the soldiers of the occupying regime ran away. They were dazed by the facilities that we had and continued to produce, they were unaware. As a precaution, we say it is difficult to talk about the details regarding Iran’s support for the resistance. This is discreet information on the resistance and something undisclosed between us and Iran. Iran is not one of those countries who would boast about supporting the resistance; in fact Iran’s support for the resistance is more a matter of faith and belief than a political one.

In 2014, the world witnessed this support and its consequences in facing the enemy before the Intifada began. A short while before the Intifada started, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution called for the arming of the West Bank. Today the Palestinian nation has launched a revolution and I think that the glory of the resistance in the West Bank will be more magnificent than ever.


With regard to the arming of the West Bank, you pointed out Ayatollah Khamenei’s remarks on the issue. How has the arming of the West Bank progressed?

What I can say is that the issue is in the proper direction; no need to talk about the details.


What messages your one-week visit to Tehran would communicate to the world?

First of all we feel at home, we are with our family here. I declare openly and unambiguously that this visit made a clear response to the many rumors, illusions and conspiracies which were aimed at creating problems between Hamas and Iran. Simply put, 25 years of close relations have created many solutions for Palestinian concerns, Palestinian resistance and the Islamic nation at large. This relationship will not be damaged by rumors or schemes or distress here and there. This alliance will continue and will improve. It is one of the most important relations that determine the future of Palestine.


What would be counted as the outcome of your visit?

I can say that the most significant outcome of this visit was that it belied all baseless rumors. It exposed the stances of all those who worked all day to show that there is a crisis in our relations with Iran. I believe that this is a significant outcome, for it has infuriated our enemies, it has uplifted our friends and the sincere members of our Islamic nation. Infuriating the enemies is sometimes a desirable affair and in our religious belief it is accepted.

The second is that we exchanged ideas about Palestine and the progress of the Intifada. We talked about projects supporting this intifada and received our brothers’ views on it.


The houses demolished during this Intifada?

Yes. Israel demolished the houses of every young girl or boy who carries out Istishadiya (Arabic for ‘martyrdom’) against the usurpers. Our Iranian brothers have promised to play a role in rebuilding these houses.  We also talked about the resistance in Gaza and its requirements, receiving affirmative responses. Finally, we discussed ways to confront sedition efforts aimed at infiltrating the Islamic nation along with responsibilities and mutual actions to be taken in this regard.


What is the message of Hamas for Iran after 37 years since their Islamic Revolution?

Frankly, the Islamic Revolution in Iran has saved the Iranian nation from oppression, despotism and efforts to humiliate the nation; the Revolution turned Iran into a great and beloved nation as the one we know today. Today many years after the revolution, Iran has found the status it deserves as a noble and significant nation-not only in the region but also in the entire world, instead of obeying the imperialist powers.

If this is the only benefit of the Islamic Revolution, I believe it is great enough to make a state so influential, glorified and generous. I also believe that this revolution inspired the Islamic nation. It is a model for many who are oppressed, they know now that it’s possible to defy their oppressors, against anyone who practices arrogance in their land; we have witnessed such outcomes over the past few decades. This is why I say my message to the Iranian nation is, “This revolution is undoubtedly a God-given victory and at the same time, a responsibility, because once God bestows a blessing upon a servant, the servant has to be grateful and act responsibly.” “If you are grateful [to God], I shall most certainly give you more and more;” Quran [14:7]. I ask God to bestow goodness upon this glorified country and make this country successful in the region and in the Islamic nation in what is best for it. God willing.


Osama Hamdan was born in Gaza in 1965. He received his bachelor degree in Chemistry from the University of Yarmuk in Jordan in 1986. Throughout his school years, he was an active member of students Islamic movements. He was appointed the director of Hamas headquarter in Beirut in 1998 and since 2009 he has been serving as the International Relations Chief for the Hamas. The senior member of Hamas survived a terrorist attack targeting him in South Dhahia which was plotted by Mossad and killed many.




News ID 114702


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