The developed nano-radiomedcines can reduce the size of tumors to a considerable degree. The treatment of tumors will also take place in an appropriate period of time and without damaging healthy cells.
Navid Aghaei, the Project Manager, said most of the new nanoparticles have resolved the issue of cell resistance to medication and have set the stage for a new era in treating cancer.
Aghaei maintained that the aim of their project was to present a treatment method for solid tumors such as breast, liver and prostate tumors; “at present, Iran has been engaged in many activities regarding the production of various kinds of nano-radiomedicines to be used in diagnosis and treatment,” he said.
The Iranian researcher touched upon the benefits of using nano-radiomedicines in treating tumors, saying “nano-radiomedicines are a combination of nanoparticles and radio isotopes and contain organic and inorganic compounds; injecting these medicines into the site of the tumor will prevent the possibility of the tumor to reach other organs and thus can provide the patient with safety against radiation to healthy organs.”
The injected nano-radiomedicine into rats had led to a considerable decrease in the size of breast tumor within two weeks after the injection, he said.
Aghaei is hopeful that the results of his studies would lead to the production of nano-radiomedicines in Iran and to eliminate the high costs of importing the medicine for treating patients.
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