Feb 6, 2024, 6:14 PM

US invasion is absolute evil for our people: Yemeni leader

US invasion is absolute evil for our people: Yemeni leader

TEHRAN, Feb. 06 (MNA) – Abdul-Malik Badruldeen al-Houthi, the Leader of the Yemeni Ansarullah leader has lambasted the United States for attacking Yemen, saying that the US invasion of the Muslim world is an absolute evil.

"The approaches and policies that some governments and regimes have adopted are surrendering to America and laying the necessary grounds for this country's domination over other nations,"Abdul-Malik Badruldeen al-Houthi said in his speech on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the martyrdom of Hossein bin Badreddin al-Houthi.

He blamed Washington for martyring Badreddin al-Houthi 20 years ago and called him a martyr in the path of the Quran. 

"This assassination was carried out under the supervision of the United States and against our Quranic project," the Ansarullah leader said.

"The Martyr of the Qur'an was targeted by the tyrannical government of the time and it was to obtain the US consent in the three-month war of that time," he added.

"Martyr Houthi tried to boycott American and Israeli goods" he further said.

Al-Hourhi went on to say that the US tries to dominate other nations by one way or another, describing it as absolute evil.


News ID 211757


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