Nov 18, 2023, 11:40 AM

Baku accused EU of interfering into Karabakh Armenian revival

Baku accused EU of interfering into Karabakh Armenian revival

TEHRAN, Nov. 18 (MNA) – The Azerbaijani foreign ministry has slammed the European Union for interfering in the process of the reintegration of Armenians in Karabakh into Azerbaijani society.

"We consider an EU official’s remarks on the initiative of establishing an international mechanism for ensuring the rights and security of Armenian residents of Azerbaijan’s Karabakh region as interference into the process of reintegration in Azerbaijan," the ministry’s spokesperson Ayhan Gadjizade said in a commentary, TASS reported.

European External Action Service (EEAS) Spokesman Peter Stano said in an interview with the Armenpress news agency earlier on Friday that the European Union demands that Azerbaijan guarantee the safe return of Armenians to Karabakh. He also said that the EU demands international access and international presence in Karabakh as part of these guarantees.

The Azerbaijani foreign ministry spokesperson stressed that Karabakh is an integral part of Azerbaijan and will ensure the rights and security of the Armenian population of this region in conformity with its constitution.

Once again, we reiterate Azerbaijan’s firm commitment to the normalization of relations with Armenia and the peaceful agenda, he said.


News ID 208465


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