Feb 22, 2025, 11:51 AM

New IRGC drones' capabilities showcased during massive drills

New IRGC drones' capabilities showcased during massive drills

TEHRAN, Feb. 22 (MNA) – The Ra'ad family drones belonging to the Ground Force of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) conducted precision strikes during the Great Prophet 19 exercise.

In the second phase of the Great Prophet 19 exercise, the drone unit of the IRGC Ground Force unveiled new drones, including the "Ra'ad 1," "Ra'ad 2," and "Ra'ad 3."

The Ra'ad family drones are destructive drones that strike designated targets with precision.

A vehicle carrying six Ra'ad family drones was also unveiled on the sidelines of this exercise.

The second phase of the Great Prophet 19 exercise took place on Wednesday in Southwestern Iran.


News ID 228703


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