Nov 12, 2023, 5:48 PM

Jake Sullivan:

Iran to be among topics on Biden, Xi meeting agenda

Iran to be among topics on Biden, Xi meeting agenda

TEHRAN, Nov. 12 (MNA) – The US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan has said that Iran sanctions will be among the issues on the agenda of the meeting between the president of his country and China's President XI on Wednesday.

Sullivan made the comments in an interview with the CBS News Face The Nation Program and in response to the question "Will the President ask him (XI) to stop buying Iranian oil on the cheap, given what Iran is doing to US troops in the region?

"Well, the United States has sanctions imposed on Iran's sales of oil, those sanctions have been in place for years now. And we have only strengthened them in the Biden administration in terms of the number and types of sanctions that have been put in place. And certainly, the question of Iran's nuclear program and the threat it poses will be on the agenda, as will the threat that Iran poses to regional stability, and the threat it poses to US forces in the region," the US National Security Adviser said in response.

Iran has dismissed the US allegations that it was behind the intensified attacks by Resistance groups attacks on US troops in Iraq and Syria amid the Zionist regime of Israel's aggression on Gaza.

Tehran insists that the Islamic Resistance movements in the region are independent entities that act on their own rather than taking orders from Tehran.

The US President Joe Biden and his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, will meet on Wednesday in the United States.


News ID 208274


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