Nov 21, 2021, 11:41 AM

Spanish rendition of 'Ladder to World' to confront US, West

Spanish rendition of 'Ladder to World' to confront US, West

TEHRAN, Nov. 20 (MNA) – In the unveiling ceremony of Spanish translation of a book entitled “Ladder to the World”, Cuban and Bolivian ambassadors to Iran said that Spanish translation of the book is an opportunity to confront the West and US.

The unveiling ceremony and introduction of Spanish translation of the book entitled “The Ladder to the World” (“La Escalera del Mundo”) written by Mohammad Reza Sarshar was held at the venue of Mehr News Agency (MNA) in the presence of Ambassador of Cuba to Tehran Alexis Bandrich Vega, Ambassador of Bolivia to Tehran Romina Guadalupe Perez Ramos, Hojjatoleslam Mohammad Amin Naji Director of Fanoos Daryaee International Publications, Ali-Akbar Shirvani Manager of Sureh-Mehr Publication, Farhad Fallah Production Manager of Fanoos Daryaee Publication, Tahereh Badakhsh Editor-in-Chief of Spanish Magazine entitled “First Step” and Literary Editor of Spanish Translation of "Ladder of the World", Mohammad Reza Sarshar Author of the book, Saeedeh Hosseinjani Head of Translation Center of Art Bureau and Ms. Mohammadi Designer and Graphic Designer of the magnificent book.

Iranian writer Mohammad Reza Sarshar’s “The Ladder to the World” (“La Escalera del Mundo”), which presents a beautiful narration about the creation of the universe for young adults, has been published in Spanish.

The Spanish translation of the book “The Ladder to the World” (“La Escalera del Mundo”) by Khalil Swajo, Argentine translator, has been published by Fanoos Daryaee International Publication in cooperation and collaboration with Sureh-Mehr Publication. The book is scheduled to be published internationally first in Colombia and then distributed in Latin America.

In the beginning, Ambassador of Cuba to Tehran Alexis Bandrich pointed to the need to resist and confront the Global Arrogance and said: "Making effort for transferring good values and cultural-historical exchange as well as telling the truth at this juncture is very valuable.”

Regretfully, “We see in the contemporary world of today that the policies adopted by some countries lead freedom-seeking people of the world to hatred and lies. These policies are especially witnessed in countries such as Cuba, Iran, Venezuela, Bolivia, and others which have stood firmly against foreign pressures and malicious plans of arrogant powers waged against their countries.”

Spanish rendition of 'Ladder to World' to confront US, West

“Literature is a turning point for cultural development between our culture and yours. When I say culture, I mean Latin American culture. Although Latin American culture is not as old as Iranian culture, it is revolutionary and important and causes development,” the envoy continued.

A starting point for cultural exchange between Cuba and Iran could be the translation of the book entitled "Fidel Castro’s Remarks to the Wise" into Persian, he said, adding that Fidel Castro, leader of Cuba, made these remarks at the beginning of Cuban Revolution i.e. in early 1960s with a focus on importance of culture in the arena of defense.

In his remarks, Fidel Castro introduced culture as a shield and sword for the Revolution. In the history of Cuban Revolution, defense from culture has always been a priority. It was pointed out that this book has been written for teenagers, but since it is about spirituality, “I will definitely read it.”

“We have a book fair in Cuba which is special for children and teenagers where these book should be presented and displayed to teenagers there,” he said, adding that a series of cultural activities were shut down due to the spread of global coronavirus pandemic but Cuba has recently opened its doors to everyone and resumed normal life.

“I hope that with tourist and cultural flights, we will witness books of this kind in Cuba that spread spirituality among children and young adults,” he concluded.

Ambassador of Bolivia to Tehran Romina Guadalupe Perez Ramos was the next speaker in the unveiling ceremony of the Book who said, “This literature allows us to know ourselves and it is this cognition that leads us to know the God Almighty.”

Spanish rendition of 'Ladder to World' to confront US, West

“Books like the magnificent works authored by Master Sarshahr guide us to a world of spirituality and wisdom. A world that we can feel with our hearts. I promise you that I will be the first reader of this book. Listening to the remarks of Master Sarshar, I realized that the Book entitled "Ladder of the World" would help me to strengthen the realms of spirituality in myself,” she said.

Given that Latin American children and teenagers are the main audience of the book, its publication in Spanish is an opportunity to address the crisis that Western and American culture has created in Latin America, the envoy emphasized.

“In addition to guiding us for this confrontation, this book will guide us towards a revolutionary culture that creates peace. Let’s not forget that revolutions such as Iranian Revolution, Cuban Revolution and Bolivian Revolution were all in favor of peace and were seeking to spread of peace in the world,” she added.

“Books like the valuable works of Master Sarshar guide us to a world of spirituality and wisdom, a world that we can feel with our hearts.”

Elsewhere in her remarks, the Bolivian envoy pointed to the expansion of cultural relations with the revolutionary countries and said Bolivian government has defined its foreign policy on the expansion of relations especially cultural relations with friend and revolutionary countries, so that publishing such books can help strengthen bilateral relations.

Bolivia and Iran are among the ancient civilizations in the world and should be the initiators and founders of cultural dialogue in the world., she said, adding, “This is the same common umbrella of culture that we can use to bring the two nations closer.”

The next speaker was Mohammad Reza Sarshahr who expressed his happiness and satisfaction with the rendition of the book and said that Spanish translation of the Book will bring cultures of Iran and Latin America closer to each other.

The image that American and European fiction and non-fiction works was showcasing to us and rest of the world from the oppressed and suffering peoples of the world including Indians, some Asian countries and especially African blacks, was a harsh and aggressive image that was introducing people of these lands “primitive and backward”.

After the Islamic Revolution, Iranian cultural currents resorted to the translation of works of suffering and oppressed countries, he said, adding, “In fact, after the Islamic Revolution, the translations were focused on the oppressed countries such as Latin America and this completely changed perception of our people from people of these lands and territories. Today, we are happy that foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran and priority of cultural relations is with the countries and cultures that have been and are oppressed by the West.”

These countries have revolutionary regimes and the people who want to uphold their own destiny by enduring all difficulties and at the top of these countries, it can be referred to the Latin American countries especially friend countries such as Cuba, Venezuela and Bolivia, etc., Sarshar emphasized.

Farhad Fallah Production Manager of Fanoos Daryaee Publication was the last speaker in this meeting who said, “In 2014, I was in La Paz, capital of Bolivia, and I was a guest of one of the natives of La Paz. The family had a little girl who had just reached puberty and the father of this family told me what book you have brought to my daughter from Iran? After that, I came to the question that whether we can have books and cultural productions for Latin American children or not. This is where the idea of launching Fanoos Daryaee Publication began.”

A year later, Fanoos Daryaee Publication was launched and released about 30 books, he said, adding, “This was the birth date of Fanoos Daryaee Publication. Relying upon the assistance of the God Almighty, we were able to be active in Mexico, Brazil, Uruguay and Colombia and sell more than a hundred books in these countries.”

“We also took part in all international book fairs in Latin America, including La Paz in Bolivia,” Sarshar added.

At the World Cup competitions held in Brazil, “We donated the first children's book as a cultural gift to Brazilian children entitled “The Ice That Fell in Love with the Sun”.

The book, which was translated into both Portuguese and Spanish, has been highly welcomed and has so far reached its fifth edition.

It is interesting to know that this book was unknown in Iran for many years and became important in Iran after its distribution in Latin America, he continued.

“Presently, we have Iranian books that are first published in Spanish and then in Persian. Today, I officially announce that "Ladder of the World" is the cultural gift of Iranian teenagers to Bolivian teenagers and God willing, this book will soon be published in Bolivia and distributed as a gift among teenagers of this country.”

“I hope we can have a meeting with the Cuban ambassador and distribute this book as a gift to Cuban teenagers as well,” Sarshar ended.


Translated by Morteza Ahmadi Alehashem

News ID 180900


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