Feb 16, 2021, 7:31 PM

Bomb blast leaves 2 injured in Afghanistan

Bomb blast leaves 2 injured in Afghanistan

TEHRAN, Feb. 16 (MNA) – Afghan media reported that two people have been injured in an explosion in Kabul on Tuesday.

In a statement on Tuesday, Afghan police announced that two people have been injured in a magnetic bomb blast in Kabul, TOLO News reported.

No individual or group has claimed responsibility for the attack so far.

The country has been experiencing a growing number of explosions and terrorist attacks in the past months. In 2001, US forces along with NATO waged a war in Afghanistan claiming to fight against terrorism and since then the number of military and civilian casualties in the country has steadily increased.

Meanwhile, the second round of peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban began on January 7, 2021, in Doha, Qatar. The negotiating teams have not yet issued any statements on the progress of the talks.

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News ID 170049


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