Directed by Reza Heydarnejad, the film tells the story of Amir, a schoolboy who lives in the western Iranian city of Hamedan. He becomes a classmate of Puria, who has come to the city from Tehran with his parents because of his father’s job. Amir is greatly affected by Puria’s family life and decides to prepare an album of his own family photos.
Films from several countries, including Japan, Germany, France, India, China, and Chile, were screened in the competition section of the festival.
“Family Album” was given a Golden Butterfly for best screenplay at the 19th Isfahan International Film Festival of Children and Young Adults held last October.
IFFK also screened “Five Dedicated to Ozu” and “Ten on Ten”, the two latest films of Iranian auteur Abbas Kiarostami, who also attended the festival.
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