Apr 13, 2024, 8:46 AM

Headlines of Iran's Persian dailies on April 13

Headlines of Iran's Persian dailies on April 13

TEHRAN, Apr. 13 (MNA) – Mehr news agency takes a look at the headlines of Iran's Persian-language dailies on Saturday, April 13.

Arman-e Emrooz:

Middle East waiting for Iran's response to Israel

Iran unveils new missile system

Arman-e Melli:

Leader says Israeli regime will be punished

Iranian wrestlers champion at 2024 Asian Championships


Israel preventing humanitarian aid delivery to Gaza

Akhbar-e San'at:

Pakistani president says Islamabad determined to strengthen ties with Iran


Leader says Zionist regime should be, will be punished


Raeisi: Resistance leader at frontline for liberation of holy al-Quds

Eghtesad-e Mardom:

Leader: Gaza issue at top of Islamic world issues


Israel paralyzed by fear of Iran's response


Raeisi says Iran-Pakistan enjoy favorable ground to expand cooperation

Jomhouri-e Eslami:

Funeral ceremony for 5 security martyrs held in Zabol

Iranian freestyle wrestlers champion at 2024 Asian Championships

Siasat-e Rooz:

Leader: Evil Zionist regime should be punished

Will of Resistance to punish Israel strengthened


Leader: Evil Zionist regime should be, will be punished

Iran becomes biggest biogas electricity producer in region


News ID 213783


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