Nov 29, 2023, 10:48 AM

Headlines of Iran's Persian dailies on November 29

Headlines of Iran's Persian dailies on November 29

TEHRAN, Nov. 29 (MNA) – Mehr news agency takes a look at the headlines of Iran's Persian-language dailies on Wednesday, November 29.


Borrell: Hamas ideology that cannot be destroyed

Leader meets with Iranian Navy commanders


Leader: Iran Navy important potentiality of Islamic Establishment, country

Jam-e Jam:

Leader urges Navy commanders to discover new capacities of country 


Zionist regime entered difficult decision phase

Jomhouri-e Eslami:

WHO: Risk of Gaza poeple dying from disease greater than bombing

Leader: Iran Navy should be comprehensive strategic force


Iran FM: Future of Gaza to be determined by Palestinians, Resistance


Navy Cmdr.: Permanent, authoritative presence in oceans priority of Iran Navy


News ID 208966


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