Sep 16, 2023, 9:33 AM

Israel regime strikes Gaza after attacking border protest

Israel regime strikes Gaza after attacking border protest

TEHRAN, Sep. 16 (MNA) – The Zionist regime's military has conducted an airstrike against the northern Gaza Strip after attacking a protest in the Tel Aviv-besieged coastal sliver.

The Israeli army struck the territory on Friday, claiming it had hit "a military post" belonging to the Gaza-based Palestinian resistance movement of Hamas.

A spokesman for the military said the airstrike had hit an area where Palestinians had gathered earlier in the day, near the permanently closed Karni crossing.

Earlier on Friday, the regime attacked protesters near Gaza's border with the occupied territories.

An AFP journalist at the protest saw two demonstrators with gunshot wounds.

The territory's health ministry also said as many as 12 Gazans had been wounded at various rallies along the border.

The occupying regime has taken the territory under four full-scale wars since the 2000s. The regime also regularly conducts airstrikes on the territory against alleged targets belonging to Hamas or the movement's fellow Gaza-headquartered resistance group of the Islamic Jihad.

Tel Aviv waged its last war on Gaza in May 2021, but it was faced with a strong reaction from the Gaza-based resistance groups, particularly Hamas, which launched thousands of rockets toward the occupied territories in response.

Last year, the Islamic Jihad warned that any new military confrontation with Israel would be a game-changer that would wipe the Tel Aviv regime off the face of occupied lands.

MNA/Press TV

News ID 206107


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    • JEFF US 07:27 - 2023/09/17
      0 0
      The only solution is to smoke this zionist state a smoke.